Our favorite testimonials for the book.
Loved the intelligent section on safe sex. One scoop of funny, two scoops sexy and drizzled with thoughtfulness. Five stars.
-- Ann Swanson
(author of "science of yoga". fav flavor: peach)Buy this book! It can’t 100% guarantee you’ll get lucky tomorrow, or try that crazy thing with your partner you’ve been too afraid to ask for, but it will give incredible juicy ideas. Most countries are bad at talking about sex, so this book introduces a fun new way to bring up incredible topics & the safe sex talk.
-- Lyubov Venable
(tantrika & sex therapist, fav flavors: matcha & mango)This is no ordinary book about ice cream, nor an ordinary book about sex. Dr. Noske thoughtfully delves into the sweetest part of life, introducing to you new flavors of ice cream and sex you’ve never tried. It will leave you turned on and hungry for the next page. I’ll have two scoops please!
-- Taylor McClure
(author’s favorite ex, fav flavors: lavender)Laugh out loud sweetness. I actually learnt a lot about world ice cream.... plus sex.
-- Adam Morrison
(food critic, fav flavor: vanilla)